My Outer and Inner Journey
I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had in my life to learn, to experience and to re-awaken the memory of who I really Am. Below follows a chronological overview of my life's outer and inner journey.
- 1960's - 1970'sNetherlandsGrew up in a small town in the Netherlands. Was blessed every summer holiday to travel with family throughout Europe.
- 1980'sNetherlandsAwareness of multi-dimensionality of being.
- late 1980'sNetherlandsInner and outer balance through martial arts.
- late 1980'sEindhoven University, NetherlandsIr. Physics. Dutch equivalent to Master of Science in Physics.
- late 1980'sNetherlandsFound creative expression in watercolor painting.
- 1989 – 1996Eindhoven, NetherlandsTechnology developer for Philips Innovation Services. Co-author of two patents.
- early 1990sNetherlandsDeep feelings of existential depression initiated search for the meaning of life.
- 1990'sNetherlands and USAParticipant in consciousness exploring workshops. Expansion of perception of reality and opening of inner senses.
- 1994Sedona, AZ, USAGalactic shamanism workshop in Sedona. Clairaudient experiences.
- 1995NepalTrip to Nepal, including a mostly solitary week-long hike through Langtang National Park in the Himalayas. Inspired by the ceremonial slow pace of living.
- 1995NetherlandsTook didgeridoo lessons. Couldn't produce a decent sound. Dreamed about a didgeridoo. Saw it the next day. Bought it. Amazingly, coming home, could effortlessly play it.
- mid-late 1990'sFranceTravelled through the south of France, following the path of the Black Madonna as she appeared in the local churches. And in the north to Chartres and Versailles, taking in the Christed energy still present there.
- 1996USAFollowed the voice of my heart, quit my job and moved to the USA.
- 1996 - 1998San Francisco, CA, USAProvided sound healing services in private therapy practice.
- 1998 - 2002San Francisco, CA, USAApplication architect and technical project manager for Headland Digital Media, a subsidiary of Pearson Publishing.
- 2002Guatemala and HondurasJoined the second group of foreigners that were allowed and invited to participate in Mayan New Year's fire ceremonies and celebrations. Learned about the Mayan calendar from the original lineage of time keepers. Was "touched by the gods" at a ceremony in Copán, Honduras
- 2002 - 2007San Jose, CA, USAStaff software engineer for eBay. Most senior member of the team that developed the user interface of eBay's website. Co-author of one patent.
- 2004EgyptGuided tour to Egypt, visited many known and lesser known pyramids on and around the Giza plateau. Had metamorphosis experience during solitary time in the granite box in the "King's chamber" of the Great Pyramid. Visited the home of Abd'el Hakim Awyan, a mystical wisdom-keeper. Listened to his stories.
- mid 2000sUSAEpisodes of strong seizures gave multi-dimensional visions and removed all fear of death. Looking back, they were probably kundalini awakenings.
- 2007 - 2015San Francisco, CA, USAStaff software engineer for StubHub (an eBay subsidiary). Most senior member of the team that developed the user interface of StubHub's website. Recognized as top 1% eBay employee. Wrote the first mobile version of StubHub's website in the early days of mobile, featured by Google on their How To Go Mobile site.
- 2010-2017PhilippinesSeveral visits to the Philippines, following the voice of my heart.
- 2014Mount Shasta, CA, USAWitnessed the transition of my beloved dog Louis over a three day period. He was the expression of pure unconditional love.
- 2014Mount Shasta, CA, USAFelt a calling to leave San Francisco and move to Mount Shasta. Went for a long weekend, found and bought a house that same weekend, and moved the next week to this powerful location.
- 2015Mount Shasta, CA, USAQuit my software development job. Left the corporate world.
- 2015 - presentMount Shasta, CA, USAFacilitator of spiritual retreats. Sound Ceremonialist. Dedicated to assist people in their spiritual awakening.